Monday, April 17, 2017

What western MSM wont say about the ghouta chemical attack {2013}

We've all heard by now the brutal chemical attack in the syrian town of ghouta 21 august 2013 and again in 2017 and how it was carried out by the army of Assad. How so called "weapons expert" eliot higgins {who has never trained in ANY munitions expertise} but forward a case that it was "impossible" that rebels {Al-qaeda/Al-nusra front-FSA} or others could have done this. Eliot draws on his "vast experience" surfing youtube and wikipedia to dismiss and discredit actual MIT expert as well as UN mandated experts to claim he is right and everyone else is a moron

What eliot and the western MSM fails to tell you that in december 2012 a terrorist faction called A-reeh Al-sarsar made chilling threats to the syrian army that they would draw on their collective expertise to completely wipe out all allawite-shia-christians and other shahiba's {enemies of sunni islam} with the use of chemical weapons 

This group appears to have made good on their threat when on 21 august 2013 the town of ghouta was attacked with chemical weapons possibly mustard gas. The same blistering effect can be seen on syrian soldiers in a later attack carried out by Al-nusra as on the victims of the ghouta 2013 attack .

Eliot higgins makes the fantasy that it could not have been "rebels" AQ -FSA etc as they had no means to do so .....THIS IS UTTERLY FALSE as eliot well knows that large stockpiles of chemicals were stolen from the iraqi army as well as these terrorist seizing chlorine factories. They also smuggle in chemical weapons from libya {with the blessing of the US} and via turkey as exposed by turkish MP's who now languish in prison for doing so. click on below links for stories and video 

Assad gave up his chemical weapons stockpiles in 2013 as to avoid being the target of international military attack on syria and widely praised by western politicians  

So you must keep in mind that assad was forced to give up his Chemical weapons stock in 2013 while terrorists were busying themselves stealing and smuggling chemical weapons into syrian as well as using them in iraq and syria over the last number of years 


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