Thursday, September 17, 2015

George soros organizing attack on europe

have you every wondered how the european migrant crisis exploded seemingly out of the blue even though the syria war is 4 years old and iraq war is 14 years old.   It has now emerged that the george soros sponsored NGO w2EU  has been organizing the migrants in turkey and effectively shipping them to europe.  The group has been handing out information booklets as well as telling the migrants to dump their passports and tell EU officials they are syrian even when it's clear they are not {pakistani's and sub sahara africans} .These migrants have clearly been told their apparent rights, the cities they should go to as well as having with them european phone numbers to contact when they arrive.

A dangerous element are smuggling themselves into europe with the migrants and that is ISIS which until recently was actually being financed by the usa who are buying the stolen iraqi oil as well as direct financing.  A number of these isis members have been arrested by police throughout europe and conservative number is 4k. The same w2EU group was caught red-handed by greek border guards smuggling weapons to libya hidden within one of their aid shipments coming FROM turkey in turn these were to be sent europe. So i is clear there is an organized attempt to now destabilize europe we are told by the msm that russia is conducting a low intensity war against europe which is simply no true judging by the current events it's actually the yanks,KSA and turkey engaged in a low intensity war on europe 

America has stabbed europe in the back by flooding europe with their ISIS mercenaries who were butchering their way around the middle east ....wake up people   

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