Saturday, December 26, 2015

dimitry yarosh now panders to those he once hated

- Dmytro Yarosh, Ukrainian nationalist, leader of the Right Sector.
- Ukrainian nationalists opinion about NATO

Today we offer for our readers to read a short part of Dmytro Yarosh`s work "At the edge of two worlds", written in 2008. Now, when one foreign predators during the struggle with another try to mislead Ukrainian people by futile hopes.

The West, Moscow and the current Ukrainian oligarchic regime can conduct negotiations and conclude an agreements with each others, conduct "peace negotiations" decide our fate without us. However, it is bad option for Ukraine. Noone will save us, except ourselves. Therefore, we should not forget the words of Ukrainian poetess Lesya Ukrainka "The one who liberating by own an exempt will be, but the one, who liberating by foreign force, an enslaved will be"

Who can name at least one fully successful military campaign of the North Atlantic Alliance over the past twenty years? Kosovo? Iraq? Afghanistan? Do we forgot that US (NATO`s root) is the one of the guarantors of Ukraine's independence in exchange for our nuclear disarmament. So, what NATO membership bring for Ukrainian in fact? Right - the new standard of living. Namely: dechristianization of society, full legalization and promotion of sexual perversion, aggressive feminism that will destroy the Ukrainian patriarchal family, pacifism that thrives in NATO countries, turning a males into silent cattle and so on. At the same time it bring new military standards: management and structure of the army, Military-industrial complex, weapons, etc. The military-industrial complex is the most interest thing for Ukrainian hustlers-oligarchs - Pinchuk, Akhmetov, Kolomoisky and other not-Ukrainians, just imagine, how much they can steal?

In general, anyone-ever thought about the fact that such an important thing as national security concept is structured. Includes security of titular nation, state security and security of national minorities living on the territory of Ukraine (Crimean Tatars, editor`s note). And the extent to which NATO can provide the most important - Ukrainian national security? They wish to build their military bases on our land! Placing their garrisons in our cities! Putting on alert defense systems! Can we trust in sweet NATO`s promises, which, I believe, dont care to Ukrainians and their safety but they "cares" about wealth of Ukrainian lands - our fertile soil and food resources, our minerals and raw materials, our sea, rivers, forests, mountains and valleys - that's true interest of our American and European "friends"! Just remember how many times our Western "friends" betrayed us, how many times Ukraine was handed over Moscow, in the name of their own interests!

Yes - Ukraine is at the edge of two worlds, yes - we are European nation, yes - rebirth of European civilization it is our sacred mission. But we must understand first of all that todays world rulers are doing their best to destroy the God`s truth on the earth to melt nations, as the God`s creatures, in the boiler of the modern world, to destroy the system of the God`s values, which conducted humanity through the millennia. Moscow and Brussels is a partners in this.

Dmytro Yarosh, "At the edge of two worlds", 05.07.2008
Nationalist Traditions of Ukraine ะพ 13:35

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