On the 2nd may 2014 some residents of odessa were holding a pro federalization rally as they were not happy with the violent overthrow of the government which all citizens of ukraine voted into office just two years before. This seizure of power was organized and carried out by those who utterly failed in their election bids in 2012 as the extremist ideology they held was not the type of leaders the people of ukraine wanted anything to do with
This coup was financed and directed by the united states as admitted by president obama and was the result of viktor yanykovich rejecting and eu ukraine agreement a crippling 610 million euros EU loan {20 billion was requested} on the 20th november 2013 which would see gas price tariffs increase by 40% as well as a range of price increases on all goods and services. The eu also required that ukraine open up ukraine to western industries like monsanto which would give access to the eu market for GM seeds {banned in the EU} Victor knew full well ukraine would not be able to repay this loan and would result in western companies laying claim to state owned assets as well as putting at risk ukraine's agri exports to the EU. The ukraine government decided to go with a russian deal which offered ukraine $15 billion and cheaper gas prices and had no such price increase requirements.
Just one day after the rejection of the EU paltry 610 million highly restrictive EU loan the maidan protest began on 21st november 2013 which is baffling as why would maidan protesters seek to get a deal signed that would see all their social benefits cut and the prices of utilities increased for very little benefit to the country as a whole. Regardless of the reason this maidan protest had started of peacefully however it was soon hijacked by a more thuggish element ukrainian "ultras" a mix of soccer hooligans, streetgangs openly fascist thugs and supporters of the extremist svoboda political party and by december were attacking police I would later emerge that rioters received riot raining in poland long before the eu deal was rejected

By february 2014 and after relentless attacks on police on the maidan as well as police officers being hunted and murdered at their homes the democratically elected viktor yanykovich was forced to flee ukraine shortly after the maidan sniper attacks on both police and maidan protesters which was at first blamed on ukrainian police but it has emerged was in fact carried carried out by those organizing the maidan protests as confirmed by EU politicians here after taking control of the the rada coup leaders then gave an ultimatum to police and army accept the new regime or be fired or killed.
they then set about banning any political opposition in a policy of lustration basically anyone who didn't share their views was banned from the rada or being "suicided"
maidan rioters who were now given access to military weapon stockpiles are now beginning to form into volunteer groups like azov,,kiev1/2,,aydar batt donbass,,tornado as well many others {over one hundred to date} this was done to carry out a subjugation of those who the new coup knew would not accept this coup primarily in the south and east of the country.
This was evident when the ukraine army was first deployed throughout east and southern ukraine the enforce the will of the new junta the ukraine army and the now heavily armed maidan volunteer groups would have no such reservations and were now sent south by the oligarchs who control each of the volunteer gangs and were ordered to seize industries in mariupol and odessa and secondary orders were to suppress burgeoning separatist movements prior to any armed resistance {naf} first on the list was odessa may 2nd followed mariupol from may 4th.
After these shootings the ukraine army personnel who lived in east ukraine were very reluctant to carry out orders from kiev to suppress the people of east ukraine and decided to form their own self defense forces taking with them their tanks and arms depots and equipment which would later become NAF {no russian invasion} . click photos for the videos
On the morning of may 2nd a small group of odessians held a demonstration in front of the trade union building calling for federalization but still a united ukraine. And as above the kiev junta was in no mood for this as any future elections would soon see them voted out of office as in the 2012 elections the coup leaders all failed in their voting campaigns {highest vote count %4} so federalization "separatists" must be crushed. The official story peddled by kiev and these ultras is that they were attacked by the trade union house demonstrators {comprised of old women,youngsters and men} which is blatant lies as the video i will post shows they never left the square in front of the trade union building all morning.
A video of the events of the day in odessa the soccer fans getting themselves worked up into a frenzy with slogans and chants "slava ukraine" and "russians on knives" these chants were led by members of the ukraine army from korosten in the video young women were recorded making molotovs for the ultras to throw at those at the trade union house also seen culmination of "to kulikovo" {trade union building}
These soccer fans are only a patsy for the events that would end the day and the members of the ukrainian army seen stoking up the crowd were not privy to the planned mass murder at trade union building had they known i'm sure they would not of taken part in this crowd agitation none the less they are involved {however they must be "thanked" for the leaked info of the true events of the day that was not evident in the videos}
The hooligan patsy
These soccer fans are only used as a tool to ensure that cover was provided for the attack on the "pro separatists" who would not accept the illegal overthrow of the government and were holding federalization rallies not separation protests as purported by the new junta. as you will see in the videos i will post a the bottom of the page although these hooligans are quite vocal and throw some rocks at the building they are not seen actually beating anyone much less the butchery inflicted on the 250+ people murdered {kiev claims 48}
Earlier in the day local members of pravy sector maidan where helping to stoke up the football fans and were on the streets armed with shields and sticks. They seized local fire trucks with the aim of destroying them however a small number of the soccer fans appear to have seen this as excessive and a few of them tried to stop the trucks being wrecked but these fans were instantly attacked by pravy sector {despite being apparent allies}
viktor baranovsky.
Although i have not seen him at the trade union house he can be seen along with his best friend dimitri stotland {as listed on his vk page} at the pre-massacre rallying calls standing next to a man who was foaming at the mouth demanding "we have to kill them all". Viktor is from korosten northwest of kiev over 600km from odessa so it's clear he and dimitri arrived in odessa with the 300 "ultras"
valera stalnikevich
member of the ukrainian army from korosten a main agitator in the pre-massacre rally exchanging visual ques with his vk friend and army comrade sergey trubin. trubin is standing next to american mercenary stan patton. Based on the shape of his face ,approximate height,shape of his ears and his job and who he was with on the day i am confident this is the guy
sergey trubin
he is a member of he ukrainian army from korosten seen exchanging eye contact with a main agitator 888 and is his friend on vk standing next to american mercenary stan patton
alexhey goncharenko ukrainian politician connected to petro poroshenko seen outside the building as it was on fire and later inside taking photos. he is the son of former mayor of odessa and fiercely anti russian
The true culprits dniepr-1
Prior to assaults on southern towns and cities dneipr-1 issued a blood curdling statement via right sector an umbrella group for the many volunteer groups who were the backbone of the maidan movement the are linked to svaboda a openly nazi political party who state that anyone of russian heritage is an enemy of ukraine and must be "liquidated" they regularly hold torch lite rallies chanting "slava ukraine"...."death to enemies"...."moscals on knives" along with their banners and insignia they clearly hark back and want a resurgence of the oun/upa who during ww2 while loyal to hitler's nazi reich carried out the most horrendous massacres against tens of thousands of ukrainians and poles the new junta has declared the upa are "heroes of ukraine"

shortly after the killings the ukrainian army disgusted by the days events leaked the involvement of maidan self defense laer known as dniepr-1 ,,odessa police and indeed their own role in the events which was published by online magazine neopresse which gives the true culprits and those who ordered it the following is from their publication
The trail leads to Kiev. From the many question marks of Odessa eight exclamation points have emerged after seven days.
About the cruel events in and around the union hall of Odessa there are many speculations.Few facts are known, even less is an objective investigation expected to shed light on that event that occurred before the trade union house burned. The point in the overall view to a high probability of a false flag operation of agents provocateurs. Material and background information from the Ukraine, we have tested in our view. We are represent some of the evident relationships and people involved here. Can pursue and deepen the only task of the people who know Odessa. Solely hope of a thing mooring the perpetrator makes many Sergei Lavrov, who said Russia will ensure that the Traggödie is not swept under the carpet. From police and prosecutors of Ukraine, each led by fascists, enlightenment is not expected. This has the scandal over the snipers from the Maidan and the ridiculous show proved the putschists.
Because there is the afternoon of May 2, 2014 in Odessa skirmishes on the corner Shukow- / Deribasivska-Str. Noteworthy: We look like armed with Uzi submachine gun and AK-47, which hide behind a police cordon, are attacked and attack itself.After an attack of their own, they are from the police left back in the cover. People running the Deribasivska high and as victims down again. Who is who? We see red and St. George ribbons on one side and blue and yellow on the other side. Both mean anything because anyone can be a ribbon tie on and provoke. Finally, the blue and yellow throw stones and the police withdrew their "civilian" wards towards Hrvetska Street / Hrvetska place. The place catches the eye because of the green bird logo on the facade.
Here we find another strange circumstance. Behind the police shields, so the coverage in the disappeared also the attackers, the police chief is randomly photographed Dmitri Futschedschi.That there was a militant shoots with a gun, does not seem to worry him.
A block away, so very close. An armed crowd - Red Ribbon - collects at Andrejweski Prospectus under the eyes of disinterested police. The basic question of the whole bizarre events: Each police the world would the accumulation of armed masked men - with bullet-proof clothing and helmets - dissolve as they arise as early as possible, encircle, stop. In Odessa we experienced the opposite. Police in normal service uniform, talking to the gunmen as an usher at the cinema. When the convoy - one of them wearing open a hand grenade at the bulletproof vest - at the double sets in motion (while actually?) Go three unarmed police officers at the top with. Fear of the masked men they do not seem to have. There is no normal demonstrators, no banners, flags, slogans, political demands. You only see a martial, hooded Horde aimlessly goes out with all his might go somewhere. Some impressions conveyed the video. Obviously, with as much effort made as much noise and caused a stir. So far, some of it is already known. {click photo to watch 14 minute video}

But again back to the starting point of the march on Andrejweski prospectus. As we know from eyewitnesses, and photographers from the video, was present only around 50 m away in a passage of this man. An activist of the right sector with his men. Nikolai Volkov, called "Sotnik Mykolai". He is protected behind shields and backed by a couple of police officers in dress uniform. Only a few onlookers stand in front of goal. Even the man with the grenade comes along shortly. None of the alleged "pro-Russian Ukrainians Hunter" takes care of the nemesis.The people are well recognized by their blue and yellow armbands. Why run the red bands followed by the whole neighborhood in search of enemies, when the chief of the enemy was sitting in front of them?. The men (green and yellow arrow) to be photographed later as the police make arrests together. The man on the right (green arrow) gives instructions to the shields retaining young people. He sees someone quite similar to which we will encounter later, the Odessa Maidan activists Gordienko. Finally, as the attention of the very left Volkov increases, a task force comes with red berets to. Against the rotbändrige struggle column she had no chance. But standing next to it anyway and is demonstratively uninterested in the protected radicals. The men Volkov also work with the same police together like the red ribbons. Strange right? Maybe yes, the OSCE say what. Prior said Zhukovsky Str. 36 is purely coincidental one of their vehicles.

Meanwhile, the aimless forced march once moved in the block around and it comes to the well-known skirmishes with football fans, in which both sides give nothing. However, it seems obvious that the red bands are clearly better equipped and prepared and the backers have sacrificed here Ukrainians in blue-yellow. The police is helpless in between. But will be seen on all available recordings from that day that the police, the red and the blue-yellow bands not afraid and who cooperate. Partial wear police also red ribbons, indicating a clear allocation of forces.
Now something remarkable happens. After the tear gas clouds are cleared, the red bands Combat Team seems to have vanished into thin air. But now as if by magic marched the blue-yellow lot through the city several kilometers in the direction of Kulikovo Field, where the Federalists have their camp. The map shows that both places are far apart and a "sporadic" attack because the camp would have been in the vicinity, can be ruled out. The column marched several kilometers determined.
On the way to Kulikov field, the camp of the Federalists, speaks of us as yet unknown M. Gordienko - now sporting- to blue / yellow armbands. This man, according to his Facebook page a supporter of Saakashvili, has good relations with the police. He writes on his FB page on May 6, four days after the massacre: "meeting with the head of the Interior Ministry. . There is a clear assurance that there is finally interaction and understanding that we will not give Odessa "Why the timing after the massacre is so interesting, we see in the eighth point. Inset: We have here the tragedy in and around the union hall largely made because it is a network-wide sufficiently discussed. There are hundreds of pictures and videos as the attackers burned down tents and attacking the building.
We see here in the video Volkov (red), which we already saw at the meeting point of Rotgebänderten unmolested, with this M. Gordienko (orange) together. What Gordienko because the wrist? Camera? Volkov is doing very important. Several sources say he telephoned the Minister of the Interior Awakow (from Tymoshenko's Fatherland Party). The man left behind Volkov says the policeman: "Take the way and we are doing our job." Volkov introduces himself as "Captain Mikola" and says: "The Ultras wanted to join us, but the pro-Russian activists have prevented aggressive. ... We have four wounded and was shot in the leg. "A lie, so the camera pans down. To see any injury. Volkov is the man who then sacrifices in union building effort. The images are clear. Who is this "Important"? Volkov is a born in Odessa criminal and is wanted by the police since 2012. This has precisely this police but has not been disturbed. Maybe that's why he is one of the militant leaders of the right Maidan in Kiev and is therefore compatible with the Kiev coup leader Andrej Parubij known. Volkov and Parubij (in video and the picture below) together on 04.29.2014 at a checkpoint of the Maidan in Odessa. Three days before the massacre.

Here Parubij the same meeting, with Gordienko circled We do not know who this Gordienko and what role he played. Nevertheless, he is omnipresent.But we know who is Alexei Parubij.
Parubij was the commander of the Maidan in Kiev that prevented the Ukrainian secret service in February ausschaltete the sniper. Parubij was appointed for these merits as head of the military and security apparatus. Parubij takes on 14. 4. 2014 march-past of the mutant for the National Guard "rights sector" from. On May 7, 2014, five days after the massacre in Odessa Parubij has happily received smiling Saakashvili and writes: "At that time we pressed the thumb during the Russian invasion of Georgia. Now the Georgians are behind us and from our own experience recommendations how to deal with a Russian aggression. " Parubij has announced to proceed with heavy weapons against the people. Last holiday of the victory over fascism have his troops Ukrainian civilians murdered Mariupol.
As is exposed by the above story men from maidan self defence{{later named dniepr-1} was bused in to odessa the men from kryvyi rog..dnepropetrovsk and mykolaiv areas under the orders of ihor kolomioaski. They were heard around the city the night prior to the attack and made their presence known to the locals . These events appear to be confirmed by one of the perpetrators who was captured by luhansk militia a month later when his brutal deeds were exposed. They were facilitated by local maidan operators under the command of nikolai volkov a local pro kiev maidan activist and member of right sector as seen manning check points in odessa a few days before the massacre.

However on the day of the massacre he was using the name Sotnik Mykolai or "captain mykolai" he was seen with mark gordienko while claiming to be have been attacked by "pro-russians" demanding that police "deal with" the pro independence fighters {armed with sticks and shields} or they would. this was blatant provocation by kiev junta
The separatist fighters linked to the federalization protest {red armbands} who were not seen at this rally at the trade union house and it was not known from where in the city they arrived from made their way towards where the pro kiev fans where to start an altercation and they were facilitated by local police it was also odd that these men were very well organised and armed with shields and sticks in a city that never seen the kind of mass unrest like kiev they were seen being organised by odessa chief of police {circled green} the police were photographed escorting this gang towards the soccer fans
i found a video of these red armband men assembling prior to the clashes and is the only time these mens faces can be seen and the cars they used {uploaded may 6th} and they were escorted down towards the clash but the police disappeared before they got there
clashes begin
At the height of the clashes strangely the red armband guys left and where they went cannot be seen by any videos however the man seen on a car ordering guys to leave riot was later seen dead in the trade union building but they were not seen arriving a trade union bldg it was reported that these were the kiev provocateurs but after images searches it is pointed out these are locals the man in the striped top is gennadiy kushnaryov
These men never got to trade union building despite being earlier facilitated by police later witness account states that they believed the police stopped these men from arriving to the trade union building {click for full interview}
During the clashes both side fired stones and petrolbombs at each other for a time and as you can see in the video the pro kiev crowd were still firing rocks even after red armband guys left. before the local maidan thugs proclaimed "to kulkovo" {trade union building}. those gathered at the front of the trade union building are clearly a peaceful crowd and are not armed with molotovs and had not interacted with the city centre rioters. What appears to be a catalyst for the soccer fans going to the trade union house is a "shooting by a federalist" in which police and soccer fans were shot one died later in hospital. But the only person {later} arrested was sergey hodiyak a pro-kiev maidan activist and right sector member
A distinctive yellow van registered to the mykolaiv region can been seen at the riots preparing to load up to go to the TU building. The ukrainian army {disgusted by their earlier riot involvement} would later leak that these cars and vans were filled with the dniepr-1 men from kryvyi rog..dnepropetrovsk and mykolaiv and sped off to the tu building while the local maidan thugs walked there with the soccer fans. They had began entering the rear as the soccer fans arrived and fired some rocks and set fire to the tents out front
while the football fans were not privy to the ultimate goal of the kiev directed right sector never seen actually beating anyone and as they can be heard on videos saying they intended to smash up the tents outside the building and throw some rocks before they intended to leave they made no concerted effort to get inside the building then local right sector can be heard telling the fans "there is a way into the back"
who tore open these heavy doors is not seen on camera {likely the dniepr-1 men} but as they entered into the building two men can be seen calmly coming from the basement and coercing them down the hall. Despite the soccer fans being seen kicking in doors they are not seen actually attacking anyone and clearly dissuaded from going to the lower floors though at least 99 people were murdered in the lower tiers.

To further enrage the crowd two men appeared on the roof and fired some molotovs down and these were supposedly pro federalists however as was stated the police had held back the federalist guys who could not get to the building for a time and only a few would arrive later. And according to the ukrianian army these were some of the dniepr-1 men and i doubt i was anyone from the federalist rally as can be seen in the video firstly this was a peaceful rally comprised of people of all ages and afghan war veterans and secondly they simply didn't have time to get petrol to prepare molotovs. as the mob arrived. The only people seen preparing molotovs is the soccer fans who began throwing them

the butchery begins while the soccer fans had made their way into the building gunshots began to be heard throughout the building it has also been noted that some sort of homemade gas was used in an attempt kill or force outside those who were not killed and managed to hide within the building it is also obvious on video footage the bulk of the odessa right sector/maidan guys had remained outside and these guys were to "finish off" anyone unfortunate enough to fall from windows nikolai volkov can be seen shooting at victims and those who fell were then set upon by right sector members sergei bratchuka {tv presenter} and a politician b.goncharevskaya {see them further down page} even before the fire took hold an eye witness stated that people were already leaning from windows gasping for air so some type of gas was being used inside before the fire. Volkov was later detained in poland enroute to switzerland and sent back to ukraine and reportedly died from health issues although two scenarios are possible .1 reports are fake or parubiy and kolomiaski had him killed to tie up loose ends

All the while the right sector from outside odessa were busy shooting and clubbing those inside the later official cause of death was smoke poison. This is completely false as witnesses who saw the victims the following day stated that many had gunshot wounds and severe signs of beatings including broken limbs and a woman who had been heard screaming and from the same room a pregnant woman was found with electrical cord around her neck. Many victims had severe burn damage to only their heads and no burn damage to their clothing or lower body this is most likely an attempt to hide bullet wounds though this failed on some of the victims. the most notable killing was of the pregnant woman and was purported to have been carried out by boris reznichenko from zaporozhye {further down the page}

while people were being shot and beaten both inside and out the odessa police did absolutely nothing to stop this mob despite having over 100 officers with riot shields and only a few officers took away people who were injured. The removal of people was left up to ordinary people including israeli medical students under a barrage verbal abuse

Some of the maidan members {now dniepr-1} were later captured by rebel fighters in luhansk and admit the true horrors that unfolded in the union building according to Evgeniy Viktorovich Boiko captured by luhansk militia in early june 2014 and he admitted that he his brother and some others carried out 99 murders he says he personally killed 10 with a sub machine gun and they later took away and dumped the bodies in the forest. It could be implied he was forced to say this but his statements don't seem scripted he is clearly borderline retarded so i doubt he would make a good liar and he would be easily led to carry out such an attack .. see a twitter translation of the video here or click photo for the video. later facebook posts appear to confirm his story that some bodies were taken away from the site

Another man known only as "flagneck" who was a very active participant in the early riots was later seen going through the rooms beating and robbing victims he too was later arrested at the russian/luhansk border after his gang was obliterated by luhansk militia however this man is still unnamed he probably gave a false name to the militia fearing the truth being revealed click photos for the two videos
one of the victims who was actually arrested by police and was only released after a massive protest by locals seems to confirm the later exposed details from Evgeniy Viktorovich Boiko that from 160 people were found butchered in the basement with clubs and guns and machettes and if added to the 99 people taken away to be dumped in a forest by Evgeniy bioko and the officially numbered 48 in the top floors that's a total of 297 people murdered
some truly shocking western propaganda blaming the victims
killers exposed
local odessa residents published the names phone numbers and addresses of those responsible however as these scumbags now have control of the government and police they will never face justice {some vk profiles deleted}
sergei bratchuka this man was seen at the back of the building waiting to "finish" those who fell after been shot by nikolai volkov he only stopped and scampered off to the front of the building when police shouted "you are all scum who have been bought and you will go to prison" where he had got rid of his stick and dumped his helmet he later presented a tv show where he condemned the murders carried out by the "separatists" even though he and his fellow right sector thugs were filmed carrying out the attack.. He couldn't wait to tell the world what "the russians" carried out. He didn't and even bother changing his jumper but he changed his trousers {blood stains dont make good tv} he briefly spoke to alain balaba a reporter on the same channel he works at she is a pravy sector member and thug she was recorded hijacking and dictating at a school press conference
sergei was presenter on the show under the tvi network it was set up by two exiled russian oligarchs in 2008 and taken over by ukraine-american oleksander altman in april 2014 and was know as a fiercely anti yanukovich station
Vitaliy Kozhukhar ("self-defence" of Odessa), click photo for video
vitaly volodya seen with the right sector mob prior to the attack and was named by a local and is now a "spokesman" for odessa self defense and is clearly one of the organizers
dimitro bily neo-nazi and supporter of stefan bandera {sent jews to the gas champers ww2} seen beating those who feel from windows and has a nazi page on vk so this guy is clearly fucking retarded
amir lebedev took great pride with his handywork and mocked those victims
pasha milonyasha strangely he lists moscow as his city despite being at the trade union house shouting death to moskals
{name unknown} This mutt was a highly active attacker of people in the union house and was recorded stalking room to room beating those who managed to survive and was robbing those who died. Not content with murdering "moskals" in the union house he decided to try his hand killing "moskals" in the donbass almost 2 months later. However that plan quickly came undone as those donbass boys are armed to the fucking teeth and they obliterated the entire platoon of the recently released from prison right sector with the exception of the 5 pravy rats who ran to the safety of the "moskals" and were arrested by russian border guards {bottom photo} a video of his capture can be seen here video one of his handywork and video 2 is of his capture
B. Goncharevskaya /Vsevolod Goncharovskoe the man witnessed beating victims lying on the ground a video of his arrest and detention for 2 months before being released
maria bulat {misha butirat} from odessa filled and fired molotovs at the trade union building
Evgeniy Viktorovich Boiko luhansk militia captured this guy in early june 2014 and he admitted that he his brother and some others carried out 99 murders he says he personally killed 10 with a sub machine gun and they dumped the bodies in the woods i cant say i doubt his claims as he is clearly a simpleton and shows no remorse ...but then again he would be easily led and wouldn't think twice about killing {he wouldn't think at all} tweet of his story here
Boris Reznichenko from Zaporozhye a reserve member of the ukraine graco wrestling team just south of dnepropetrovsk he was identified by people who know him as the man who strangled the pregnant woman and seen at the window wearing the blue gloves and sports top and later beating people at the back of the building in full view of the international press he later deleted his vk profile but is now apparently on a militia hitlist and gone into hiding

vitalij ustimenko from kherson this guy stated they will burn them all while at the odessa trade union building he is in photo two with with fellow "activist" victoria siberia who also took part in the murders. Photos 3-5 is from his
facebook page and info there seems to show he is now working in dubai as of 2015.
his friends list here I wonder if the fine people at
TECOM investments know the kind of murderous scumbag they have working for them. he also appears to be a recruiter for
dubai intergral designers dubai and urgently needs a new designer if you need the job you can send an email to him at
vitalii.ustymenko@intigral.net And the last photo is of his holiday to oman......hey this murdering business is tiring he needed the break
the police chief dmitry fuchedzhi {gone into hiding in transnistra} who was seen with the red armband men later claims the riots were organised by andrei parubii while he was visiting local maidan pravy sector see his interview from may 22nd here
the official list of victims
1.Biryukov Andrey Vasilyievich, born 1978 – was shot.
2.Julkov Alexandr Yurievich – was shot.
3.Yavorskiy Nickolay Anatolyievich, was shot.
Petrov Gennadiy Igorevich, born 1985 – was shot.
5.Brajevskiy Andrey Gennadievich, born 1987 – falling from height.
6. P. Vadim Vadimovich, born 1996 – falling from height.
7. Zayatz Igor Leonidovich, born 1968 – falling from height.
8. Kusch Ruslan Olegovich, born 1984 – falling from height.
9.Varenikina Anna Anatolyievna, born 1955 – gas poisoning.
10.Kalin Anatoliy Andreevich, born 1976 – gas poisoning.
11.Nikitenko Maxim Alekseevich, born 1964 – falling from height.
12. Ostotjnyuk Igor Evgenyievich, born 1964 – faling from height.
13. Bullakh Victor Dalkhakovich, born 1986 – falling from height.
14.Ivanov Igor Vladimirovich, born 1986 – was shot.
15. Markin Vyacheslav Vladimirovitch, born 1969 – falling from height.
16. Negaturov Vadim Vitalyievich, born 1959 – died from burns.
17. Gnatenko Yevgeniy Nickolayevich, born 1952 – gas poisoning.
18.Poluyakh Alla Anatoylievna, born 1962 – gas poisoning.
19.Yakovenko Irina Vladimirovna, born 1959 – gas poisoning.
20. Kushnaryov Gennadiy Alexandrovich, born 1975 – gas poisoning.
21. Mishin Sergey Sergeevich, born 1985 – gas poisoning.
22. Pikalova Svetlana Valeryievna, born 1981 – gas poisoning.
23.Kovriga Nickolay Sergeevich, born 1984 – gas poisoning.
24. Sadovnichiy Alexandr Kuzmich, born 1954 – gas poisoning.
25.Brigar Vladimir Anatolyievich, born 1984 – gas poisoning.
26.Nickityuk Dmitriy Igorevich, born 1974 – gas poisoning.
27.Mitchik Yevgeniy Vasilyievich, born 1983 – gas poisoning.
28.Stepanov Vicktor Vasilyievich, born 1948 – gas poisoning.
29. Kostyuhin Sergey Nikolayievich, born 1967 – gas poisoning.
30. Novitzkiy Vladimir Mikhaylovich, born 1944 – gas poisoning.
31. Polevoy Viktor Pavlovich, born 1966 – gas poisoning.
32. Bejanitzkaya Kristina Alezandrovna, born 1992 – gas poisoning.
33. Lomakina Nina Ivanovna, born 1953 – gas poisoning.
34. Kononov Alexandr Vladislavovich, born 1959 – gas poisoning.
35.Gnatenko Andrey Nikolayevich, born 1989 – gas poisoning.
36.Balaban Alexey Semyonovich, born 1982 – gas poisoning.
https://vk.com/id8043237 BIRBIRENKO Vladislav Yurievich 1979 p. January 10 Address: ODESA FONTANSKA d.8 kv.37
https://vk.com/avmiroshnichenko MIROSHNICHENKO Alexei Alexandrovich phone 664 503 6 December 1984 r.ODESA FІLATOVA house 23 square meters. 73
https://vk.com/uminochka Prasolova Anastasia 442,839 telephone, August 21, 1985 p. Address: ODESA AKADEMІKA Korolova d. 18 kv.2
https://vk.com/fizli Furs PHILIP ANATOLYEVICH July 18, 1983 p. ODESA bazaar d.10 kv.5 https://vk.com/id4497526 Aleksenko Alexander V. Date of birth: August 3, 1980 ODESSA VODOPROVІDNA d.5 kv.3 (Any remote login hammer in Yandex, Google and click on "Preservation copy "or" copy ", there is a reference there is one. As long as the copy is still" alive ") a list of groups Dmitry Grigorievich 276625 tel., 1983. December 19 birth, address: ODESA transp. 7 kv.31 ✔
https://vk.com/id8043237 BIRBIRENKO Vladislav Yurievich 1979 p. January 10 Address: ODESA FONTANSKA d.8 kv.37 ✔
https://vk.com/avmiroshnichenko MIROSHNICHENKO Alexei Alexandrovich phone 664 503 6 December 1984 r.ODESA FІLATOVA house 23 square meters. 73 ✔
https://vk.com/uminochka Prasolova Anastasia 442,839 telephone, August 21, 1985 p. Address: ODESA AKADEMІKA Korolova d. 18 kv.2 ✔
https://vk.com/fizli Furs PHILIP ANATOLYEVICH July 18, 1983 p. ODESA bazaar d.10 kv.5 ✔ https://vk.com/id4497526 Aleksenko Alexander V. Date of birth: August 3, 1980 ODESSA VODOPROVІDNA d.5 kv.3 ✔
Dmitry Yurchenko http://vk.com/id52725424 ✔
Irina Peter (Peter) https://vk.com/id16495683. his private hotel "Master. (see what's on her wall when she really lived in Yalta, you need to talk to the lady, following her on the wall posts of joy that swept Colorado with Odessa) ✔
Nastya Melkozёrova DATE OF BIRTH June 19, 1994. Hometown: Rovenki. He now lives in Odessa. https://vk.com/id48241039 ✔
https://m.vk.com/vitko_yaroslava Yaroslav Vіtko ✔
Andrіy Rusanov https://m.vk.com/lennonn ✔
eto female Coordinator "euromaidan" Vitaly Volodya in Odessa, responsible for the death of dozens of residents of Odessa 02.05.14. http://vk.com/nice_little_one phone: 0639388300
Источник: http://politikus.ru/events/18220-vnimanie-obyavlyayu-rozysk.html