Original story via antimaydan and written by Vitaly Slepenchuk {i only sharing story in english}
With this military contract-I met in a bar in the Central market in Kharkov. Nearby was an empty seat, and had a bit to make room. From under the Civil viewed jackets worn and overlaundered camouflage, some of our "rear heroes" here on their flare marches and actions are not. He was obviously in his forties. Yes and weathered, tin-coated face can be seen - a man from the front. After the stock phrases asked:
- With the "front end"?
- From there, where else?
- Well, as there at the front?
- As usual.
- Shoot?
- Shoot.
- The war would soon end?
- We still have enough.
- Dembel?
- Sooner me on a business trip, bosses with volunteers sent for Christmas gifts and other necessary things. We are on the self-supply. Fighting for Nenko Ukraine exclusively at their own expense. From "Roshen" factory audio candy we have not yet received.
- It has long been at war?
- In the summer of 15-th.
After the third glass serviceman have been able to talk. The picture sketched them on the situation in the area differentiation, it was distant from that shown on television.
Briefly summarized everything that was possible to hear from the source, it turns the situation around this character.
The war took a long time positional and very frontline life returned to its measured rut. Life and supply the whole more or less established. Help volunteers decreased significantly, but somehow manages to get out. Items equipped, trenches dug, live in dugouts. Inside mounted stove, held the light on the walls of abandoned houses requisitioned carpets, microwaves. With TVs also have no problems. There is internet and mobile communications.
With militias relations, in general, normal, each other neither one nor the other trying not to offend. Provocations clashes mostly satisfied with the frank Nazis.
The war is already fed up with all this. However, many of her somehow adapt, adapt himself. And some even very well settled, mainly those with headquarters in supply units, and especially at checkpoints.
After demobilization from the rabble freezed "patriots", "Avatar" and other degenerates declined, remained mostly contractors. The units are very big shortage. So, in the company instead of the 100 people now it is 30-40. Platoon instead of 30 to 10.
Of the remainder, there is the ideological bandarlogi, but they were a little such do not last long, and they are a handful more in the National Guard under where satiety, safer, and have something to make money. There are homeless people and former criminals who simply have nowhere to go.
There are those who simply do not want to have to return to his former life. Here they somehow get by, adapt himself, no money have to pay, feed, vodka is always there, even friends were local. And at home waiting for the problem: there is no work, families who have to feed ...
Very often I have to listen to this kind of talk on the phone. He calls his wife, they say, no money, nothing to pay for an apartment, collect the children to school no matter what, parents get sick, need medication. In response to irritation - "I sent two thousand, that have yet to me? Do not you know where I am? I'm at war. Go to the deputy, say that the wife of the ATO member, you put benefits and discounts. It will not help, then tell me, that I myself will come and deal with them in a different way ... "
A contingent of soldiers mainly stayed out of the countryside, which, because of their inertia could not wriggle out of mobilization. Sly citizens have long been in Europe or in Russia batrachat at a safe distance.
Preparation of commanders - zero. Especially at the platoon and company level. Nobody especially their wacky command fails. Everyone acts according to its own discretion. Know what happen dust-, the commanders of the very first fall down from the position, leaving us, as it was in Debaltsevo. Listen more and reckon with the opinion of sergeants and privates, even from those who have been serving in the Soviet army.
Relationship with the National Guard under the APU and the border is very tense. Those are used at checkpoints on roads and good profit from extortion and robbery with Fur civilians who pass through KPVV. Border guards earn fortunes after a 3-month trip to the ATO zone. They and on its borders with Europe and Russia feel good: krysheval supply of cigarettes, alcohol, food sanctions. But such contraband sweep, as the demarcation line, even they did not see. On one wagon sugar receive 30 thousand. Hryvnia. Do not forget them and their border generals - the flow of money in Kiev, the management UASBGS does not dry out, and so as not to interfere with earning, sharing the same with the SBU, the police, the prosecutor's office. And on the other side of the demarcation line are satisfied - the delivery of essential goods continues, despite the blockade. True GPSUshniki a bit worried because of the fact that they will have new competitors in the face and other Semenchenko-Natsik veterans who announced the "total" blockade republics. Of course, no one at the front does not believe that these clowns are seriously going to deal with "gray" supplies of goods across the demarcation line - they are driven only a desire to cling to nourishing the trough, under patriotic slogans and put their roadblocks as well as border guards and smugglers milk. But the "defenders of the borders" tvrdo intention to fight for their own and avoid the latter-day competition. So that smuggling will flourish. VSUshnikov to their places of bread pograntsy also close do not admit, it happened distilled machine guns and gunfire. In response, also obtained, - weapons and equipment from the APU is powerful.
But in the APU have their own sources of income. There are passages in the demarcation line, bypassing the official checkpoint. Conductors, collected from local groups and with the permission of the commander whom to spend with hand baggage to bypass the minefields and by agreement with the "separatists".
Speaking about the possibility of any serious attack to occur. To do this, no people, no technical capabilities. Weapons are often out of order, for service already supplied guns "Maxim", the Second World War, the appliances all killed, there is no fuel. Repair base is not available, all repaired to the position by the crew. Often, if the BMP on the move, the gun does not fire when shooting a gun, the engine is not corrected. A fair amount of mines, grenades and shells taken from storage, with the shots just do not break. Cartridges misfire.
If the militias begin a serious offensive, even to fight back, and will have nothing to fall back on what is not. Most likely it will end up with new boilers. Recent reconnaissance under Svetlodarsk these problems clearly confirmed.
Overall, the morale of the military compared to the years 2014-2015 has been steadily declining. Svidomo "patriots" of those who are not killed themselves fled, unable to bear the sad life of trench life. Gut them was thin. Racketeering, extortion and extortion in the rear of the house under a patriotic flag them much safer and more profitable.
Simple as fighters have long been tired of the senseless war, a mushrooming of new amputees, leaving orphaned children on both sides of the front, grief poisoning and poor Poltava farm and mining towns of Donbass. But the soldiers to go nowhere - they turn to Kiev has not yet been solved, not all are ready to desert. So pull the strap out of despair difficult war, obeying senseless orders.
That such a conversation took place involuntary me recently with a conventional fighter with advanced. It is currently adequate, seasoned life in the war, sophisticated everyday danger.
Vitaly Slepenchuk,
Harkov town